Saturday, December 22, 2012

Anything but PAD

Dear lord...


Whyyyy all the post is about pad..
Is she somehow becoming popular like ell the social butterfly?
Or joe the real socialite?

God, NOOOO....
Please,, NO NO NO NO....
I can't take more of that idiot creature..

My new year wish,
I hope the content of this blog is pad-less...

I love this bit*hes

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Real Gossip Girl

“Damn!!, How dare you turn off the electric, I’m on my mood doing that project. Arrghh!!!!!”
I'm cursing at the invisible devil whose make this pitch-dark condition
“Hey, easy girl, who’s you cursing at?? Me?”, suddenly out of nowhere Joe came into my room
S: What?
J: Nothing, just passed by, wanna ask you out, with the others girls too
S: Where??
J: Anywhere fun…Hey!  I’m saving your life being stuck in this blackout situation, so c’mon just dress you up, biaacth.
While I dressed up, Joe told me a really big news
J: You know what?
S: What?
J. I’ve got super fantastic news fresh from the oven. You’ll get shocked when you hear that.
Actually I did not interested with her “super fantastic news” story, but when the news came up from her mouth, I got choked to death.
J: Pad will get married in the end of this year, mean a couple week later, I should buy a new dress then, yuhuuu
S: Err, What?! e.e WHO?
J: Pad… Padme Hyu you’re classmate, Moron!
S: WWWWHHHAAAT, that Pad? Really???
J: Yup, I’m gonna call the others, just hurry…… Hey K where are you? I’m with shen right now and you’re on speaker now.
K (on the phone): As usual, hey Shen, What’s up?
S: Hey K
J: K I’ll pick you up then, be ready okay..
K: Ready for what?
J: ready for anything fun, just be ready…
S: err K, is Pad really getting married a couple weeks later?
K: whaaaa…
J: I’ll hang up then, bye K

And Joe suddenly stop the conversation and kept me in the state of shocked, is that news is factual, is Pad really getting married???

Thursday, December 20, 2012

End of the world

Well well well...

This info just got in.

Pad is on a date. And she proudly brag about that.
Which i quote her, "Guess pad is not sucks afterall".

It almost few hours to 21-12-2012 which the mayan predict to be the day when the world end. And the fact that Pad goes on a date does sound like the end of the world for some people here.

Did i just heard Joe cursing?
Ohh well forget the spoiled blonde brat.
Well done Padme Hyu, you prove that K is wrong afterall.
Pad is not merely an idiot, Pad is an idot with love. she has a man now, doesn't she.

Ignorant or just simply idiot

Is it just me who had trouble when it comes to Pad? 

Somehow I ended up IM-ing Pad tonight (and i'm not proud of that, i blame u Oz for not replying any of my message).  

And it reminded me, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU OZZIEEE... please don't tell me that u went stargazing and leave me with this idiot friend of yours. She supposed to crash at your place and now she (and her cats) are about to trash my innocent home.

Let me enlighten y'all with what happen:

K: why me? How about the others..
Pad: i don't really remember the major and all, care to share?
K: shen was in your class, dude.
Pad: Reeeeaally?
Pad: lol
K: how could you forget your classmate
Pad: then why the hell is she talking bout fashion?
Pad: i don't even know my professor
Pad: don't ask about classmates
K: hahahaha
K: joe, design i guess
K: nab n neb, i dunno
Pad: hahaha yea
Pad: astronomy? No?
Pad: which one is nab?
Pad: i totally have no clue *ROTFL*
K: *facepalm*
K: are you sure you are my friend?
K: i mean, you really do know who you chatting with, right?
Pad: lol
Pad: shut it..

I guess she didn't know with whom she chatting with, or should i say, she didn't even care.
Oz i'm begging you, please help me. Or any one,,, please,,
Shen,, your classmate is killing me.
Or perhaps, ash.. (eerrrr...if you are not busy though..)


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Reunion's Suck

Why should we plan a reunion with bunch of strangers that claimed themselves as "old friends"?
I don't even know their name, not to mention the burden to have to talk to them later.

Reunion's suck, everyone knows that.

I'm not a friendly person, hell, I don't even socialize with people.
Can't we just stuck with Facebook or Twitter? It's hard enough to know your daily activities from what I see on those social networks, and dammit, I have to meet them directly? For real? You're kidding me.

But my parents says that it is a good thing to socialize.. with person, on a daily basis.
And considering that on daily basis I don't even speak with people, then I need to attend this event.

Congratulations, me.

Stupid K

Stupid K. Jepit tangannya sendiri ketika buka laci.
When will she gets, like, wiser?